I get it. No doubt these are scary times ahead. Don't feel badly that you're scared.
You’re scared. I’m scared. We’re all scared. If you’re not scared, you need to be removed from the gene pool.
But in any scary situation, panic is never helpful. Neither is withdrawal. This is a fight that can be won, but no fight can be won if you're not willing to fight.
It is painful to consider the end of the Republic, and easy to regard American voters as imbeciles. And you would be partially right. The Republic will not end, but many Americans are imbeciles. Unfortunately, Vivek Ram-a-Lama-Ding-Dong was correct when he said that American culture venerates mediocrity over excellence. Who knew that the movie, “Idiocracy” was a documentary?
We only have to survive the next 24 months until the midterms, take both Houses, block everything Felon 45 does, make sure the American public knows that The Burning Orange Turd didn't bring down the cost of eggs because egg prices don’t have anything to do with Hunter’s penis, Hillary's emails, or Fido-munching Haitians.
Then, impeach him a few times.
Are obsessed with playing fairly. But it is entirely possible to be fair, ethical, honest, law-abiding, nuclear weapons-grade warriors. It doesn't require any extraordinary measures, just the willingness to enforce the existing laws in a forceful and timely manner, giving the enemy no quarter, no concessions, no comfort.
They will fuck up and fuck up big. Media calls it “over-reach.” There will be many things that outrage and upset you. Keep in mind, this is a good thing. The sooner things get worse, the better the odds are for burying these traitors in a midterm blue tsunami. Every failure and demonstration of cruelty for cruelty’s sake needs to be amplified, and sung from the rooftops. It's time for Democrats to stop being such panty-waist weenies, pick up a bat, and step up to the plate.
Is never out of style. You can't do “bipartisan” with fascists. There is no common ground. They need to be legally terminated. But in order to do so, we need Democratic warriors. And those warriors would be our elected Democratic officials. We need to let them know that as constituents, we demand they grow some stones.
There is already a wonderful place where you can press one button and automatically email the Senators of your State with a prewritten email. It's brilliant. Right now it's set up for the each of the upcoming cabinet positions. I'm sure in the future there will be more email campaigns. It really does help.
Politicians of all stripes pay attention to the numbers of communications they get on any given topic. It's not going to move the needle with Rethuglicans, as they are gutless pukes. But there are a few who are in States that haven’t gone completely fascist and can be influenced. Even those in deep red-land still need to know what the populace thinks. And they deserve to get fucked with, anyhow.
At the bottom is a link to the site that provides this service, “Watchdog Coalition”.
Hopefully soon there will be a similar site where emails can be sent to Democrat Leaders. This is where the stone growing will come in. They have to know that if they are not willing to use every possible legal means on every single issue to throw sand in the gears, we’ll elect Democrats who will. It isn’t play nice/polite time anymore.
It’s time to stop throwing butter knives at tanks.
Of keeping you confused, scared, and off-balance. Be none of those.
Join the ACLU. They will be providing the litigation lawyers. You can become a member by making as little as a $5.00 one time donation.
If you are a Nielson ratings home, have your TV on during the inauguration, but have it tuned to anything other than the inauguration to screw with the ratings
Now, go check out Watchdog Coalition (after you subscribe)
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Excellent Lance
Your message sounds a lot like what I've been writing to encourage people in the comments on MTN, at least until recently. My substack is covering our government, how it works, and our rights.