No doubt…
Putin’s Punk is playing three-dimensional chess. He's got the babushka pulled way down over the eyes of a fellow who had 16 years of experience being a KGB foreign intelligence officer.
You betcha. Who can forget this from the stable genius. We can only imagine that Dr. Birx was saying to herself, “Do they give a Nobel prize for dumb-fuckery”.
Putin studied law at the Leningrad State University and graduated in 1975. His thesis was on "The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law".
In 1997, Putin received a degree in economics with a thesis on energy dependencies and their instrumentalization in foreign policy.
In pursuit of this, he engaged in massive plagiarism, no doubt inspiring that Slovenian horizontal marchioness, Melania, to borrow from Michelle Obama's speeches.
But at least he figured out how to plagiarize.
“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” Professor William T. Kelley, who taught marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance, University of Pennsylvania for 31 years.
Occam’s Razor. William of Ockham was a 14th-century English philosopher and theologian, who postulated that (paraphrasing here), the simplest explanation is the best.
For instance, you live in Montana and hear hoofbeats outside. It is possible that someone has flown zebras from the African savanna and run them by your home? Or, could it just be…horses. Of course if you are a Marjorie Taylor Greene type, then it was likely international animal sex traffickers bringing zebras to have sex in the basement of a pizza parlor with Hillary Clinton and the Vienna boys choir.
Is it likely that a guy who stares at a total solar eclipse is craftier than a 16 year KGB agent?
Is it likelier that the fellow who Jeffrey Epstein once said was his best friend, and who spent considerable time in Russia as Putin’s guest, is concerned about videotapes that were made of him receiving golden showers… A veritable wee-wee waterfall.
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout,
that Georgia's always on My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my mind
Three-dimensional chess?
Blackmail wee-wee tapes?
If William of Ockam were alive today, what would he say?
Pissed about something?
HAIKU FOR YOU. Wee-Wee falls like rain. Tap tapping on my forehead. Why is my mail black?