Is a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their abilities. This can lead to poor decision-making, mistakes, and mistrust.
Is doing to the Federal government what he did to twitter
the first time that stupid people have thought they were smart and fucked things up.
September 4, 1957
Edsels were introduced amid considerable publicity on "E Day"—September 4, 1957. They were promoted by a top-rated television special, The Edsel Show, on October 13. For months, Ford had been telling the industry press that it "knew", through its market research, that there would be great demand for the vehicles. The company lost $350 million, the equivalent of $2.8 billion in 2023 dollars. America agreed. Edsels sucked. But the Ford executives were confident.
APRIL 23rd 1985
Coca-Cola, after water and tea, is the most popular drink in the world, the formula jealously guarded. But on this date, Coca-Cola CEO, Roberto Goizueta, decided to change the formula, saying at the time, “I've never been as confident about a decision as the one we are making today.”
79 days later, after America completely freaked out, they brought back original Coke labeled as “Coke Classic”. America agreed, new Coke sucked. But Roberto was confident.
Football league competitor to the NFL, created in 1982 and headed up by none other than Dunning-Kruger Sir Judas of Fartwhistle, AKA Donnie Deathcount. Riddled with problems from the outset, it eventually started turning around, just in time for Donald Drumpf, International Career Criminal and Transphobic Douche himself, to crash it right into the ground by trying to compete directly with the NFL. Date of death: spring 1985. By the time it folded, it had lost over $163 million (equivalent to $380 okay million in 2023 dollars). Just one of an abundance of businesses the Commander-in-Thief has crashed and burned. America agreed, the USFL sucked. The Orange Shit Weasel was confident.
Fortunately, those who will suffer the most from the cruelty of these incompetent bozos who think they are geniuses are in the red states. America will find out that fascism sucks. But MAGATs are confident.
“…there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know.”
- Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense under Ford and George W. Bush) 2/12/02
P.S. Credit for phrase “Dunning-Kruger Administration” goes to George Conway.
Your comments are an unknown unknown
Bringing up the USFL cracks me up. Donald Trump is such a genius businessman that he failed to sell
and Casinos
to fat, stupid Americans. It's absurd how inept you have to be to fail that spectacularly and consistently.