James Carville, Democratic strategist and perennial irritant, said, “It's the economy, stupid”, and then a few years later, “Winning is everything, stupid.”
And he's right. So it's time for Democrats to stop running highly qualified and capable people with vaginas. Especially nonwhite people with vaginas. The people whose votes we need do not vote for vaginas. They vote for big swinging dicks. And make that a white big swinging Dick, if you please. And I ain't talking Nixon.
They have now rejected two highly qualified women. Highly qualified women make their teeny-weenys weinier.
To win, the Democratic ticket should be comprised of a tall good-looking white 45-year-old man and a light-skinned 35-year-old Hispanic man. I asked AI to create this image, and here's what I got. I've even created a campaign slogan that will appeal to the Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson incel Bros.
Like a midget boxer, it’s short and punchy.
Gettin’ Shit Done! Clearly, it's a wiener. The white guy looks disturbingly like Gavin Newsom, but don't let that diminish your enthusiasm. Their names should be two of the most common surnames in the United States: Smith and Gomez.
Loves a winner. This was the team I was backing. (They’ve got great skills)
Why are Magats such sore winners? They seem angrier than ever. But when you run a campaign based on fear and anger, can you be shocked?
The Fear. Let's hear from The Mango Mussolini’s transition team.
He’s coming for YOUR job, eating your Chihuahua,
and bringing fentanyl with him.
The anger. Let's hear from the new Deputy Assistant Undersecretary of Dumbfuckery.
Sporkfoot McNutJob
It's easy to just assume that all those who voted for Mrs. Putin are mouth breathing racist misogynist cultist Nazi ding-dongs, dimwits, and dipshits.
But that's not entirely the case. Many are just true Patriots.
In closing
I’ve looked these up. They are true.