Blessed are the billionaires,for they shall inherit the Earth? One of my favorites.

maga cult freaks have their orange Jesus, and Lucifer is applauding...

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So is Putin after the Orange Barking Yam put on that shit show with Zelenskyy. What an asshole.

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putin owns trump. I think trump put on the shitshow to deflect from his release of two sex traffickers convicted of felonies in Romania. He needed the trump news media to focus on Zelensky and not his freeing of sex criminals back to the US. More deflecttion...

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Lance you’ve gone too far. Trumpesus LOVES the poor! Who makes his hamburgers and cleans all the vandalism from his golf courses. He fucking loves them. Just doesn’t want them to eat or have healthcare obviously.

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Fake Christians - Real Evil.

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So true

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